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Student Manager Web Interface Demo/Sandbox

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Express Registration Examples

Default Express Registration Page - student can logon if they already have an account.

One-Time Registration Page (No Logon) - mostly used for conferences, etc., where participants have not previously taken courses with you.

Event - used for events where participants purchase a number of tickets.

Workshop - for a course that has workshops.

Free Course - there are no charges for the course, so there is no payment section.

Application - this is an example of an Application that can be submitted for processing. It also uses Unlimited UDFs for some of the data collected.

Custom Examples

Custom Design - a custom design has been applied to this express registration page and the registration confirmation pages. Please note, this customized page was created for demo purposes only. It is not a sample page available for purchase. It's merely an example of customization that could be applied to the express registration page.