The Scheduled Tasks function in the Tools menu allows you to manage the tasks for the reports you've scheduled.

This function is not available if you are running Student Manager Reports on Citrix or if you do not have an Ultimate license.

The list at the left shows the tasks you've scheduled to run reports. The list normally displays tasks alphabetically but you can turn on the Sort by next run setting to display them in order of when they're scheduled to run next.

Select one of the tasks in the list to display information about the task, including status (normally "Ready" but may display "Running" if the task is currently running), when it's scheduled to run next, when it was last run, and the results of the last run (both a code and a description of the result).

To edit a task, click the Edit button. This opens the Schedule Report Wizard for that task, allowing you to change its settings. To delete a task, click the Delete button.

You can manually run a task by clicking the Run button. The task runs immediately and the display refreshes automatically every five seconds to display the current status of the task. You can also manually click the Refresh button to display the status.

Turn on the Create diagnostics for each schedule run setting if you are having problems with a task not running or it does run but the output isn't being created or emailed. With this setting turned on, Student Manager Reports creates a separate diagnostics file in the Data subdirectory of the Student Manager Reports program folder, named Diagnostics.TaskName.Timestamp.txt, where TaskName is the name of the task and Timestamp is the date and time the task was run, formatted as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, such as "20150206141500" for a task run at 2:15 p.m. on February 6, 2015. You can send this diagnostics file to technical support so they can analyze the problem.

The Diagnostic button displays the content of the most recent diagnostic file for the selected task.

© ACEware Systems, Inc., 2021 • Updated: 08/21/18
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